For Real Estate Brokerage Firm Owners & Managers Only

OCT 3, 2018
1. Master Design: Vision & Exit Strategy
In this session, we explore the concept of "beginning at the end" with your business exit strategy. We carefully craft our vision, mission, and values for the company as a solid foundaiton.

OCT 10, 2018
2. Blueprints: Business Plan
In this session, we learn how to create capacity and build a business from the ground up. We will utilize a business plan to leverage our success exponentially. Mark your calendar and join us!

OCT 17, 2018
3. Power Tools: Proforma
Calculate your company's financial projections & budget for success! Learn how to forecast like the Fortune 500 corporations. Find sources for capital funding to propel your brokerage business to the next level.

OCT 24, 2018
4. Dig Foundation: Profit Centers
A stable brokerage business model includes multiple revenue sources from a variety of service centers. Calculate the invest/return payoff to add new profit centers or expand your business base.

OCT 31, 2018
5. Pour Foundation: Agent Recruitment
Agent recruiting & retention plan. Recruit the best & brightest agents, Offer compensation, Calculate profitability, Train them to succeed. Keep the right agents loyal and producing.

NOV 7, 2018
6. Exterior Walls: Strategy & Competition
Increase internal capacity to scale the business. Use your SWOT analysis to form a rock-solid business plan. Know your competitors and what they offer. Innovate and differentiate. Measure your KPI (key performance indicators) stats. Leverage your core competencies.

NOV 14, 2018
7. Interior Walls: Operations Management
Business Systems, policies & procedures, best business practices, metrics .

NOV 21, 2018
8. Doors: Risk Management
Risk assessment & legal compliance. Supervising your agents and insulating yourself from exposure. Reducing liability. Implement internal controls. Prevent fraud and deter identity theft.

DEC 12, 2018
Crush Your 2019 Calendar
Start your year on point by designating business events in your calendar, deciding what you can delegate, and ensuring you beat your goals.